  • Name Sokolov Dmitry Georgievich
  • Location Kiev, Ukraine


Whenlearning more intricate languages, its significance increases. You do not need to code blindly. I'm from Ukraine and I'm engagedin programming as I became a web programmer. I want to share now in this article where I started. My name is Dmitry. I am from Ukraine and I am engaged in programming since I became a web developer. This is my web-site Next, you need to choosebetween"frontend","backend" and the Evolution of a full cycle Can not you like anything? Congratulations, web development is notfor you. Rejoice that you knew it today, and did not lose a whole lot of money and time Attempt to learn different languages ​​in the"I need to be a backend programmer" section. Start; Tags, attributes,elements; Page titles; Paragraphs; Headers; Lists; Links; Pictures; Tables; types; Putting everything together.

This is a really important step. Now learn the basics of javascript.For today, you need theFundamentals, and the next tools will do to this:This is the library through which Node.JS can work as a web host (hear requestsout of pages and send them answers).

I know the basics of HTML

Interaction using info? Congratulations, you are a backenddeveloper!Until now, we have considered what is called the"front end" of internet development. It is time to go to the backend - that the code running on the machine. Do not worry,you don't need a server - your computer will deal with this. Each website, each web application which you just used, probablycontains a large quantity of JS-code. Not to mention the fact that the speech can be gaining popularity on other programs -computers, servers, other devices.

Making things work; Variables and information; Mathematical calculations; Logics;Requirements; Cycles; Works; Objects; Arrays; DOM; Events & callbacks; AJAX; JSON; Area of ​​visibility.

Both? Congratulations, you are a complete cycledeveloper!

As well as this, you will need to learn Express and MongoDB.

I began with consciousness, money is not the mostessential thing. You need to LOVE your own project! However, you won't know exactly what you like till you try. I like the Net. Ido not know where to get started. Training will be varied, however shallow. This is essential in order to obtain an area that you enjoy, as well asacquire fundamental abilities in various places. Then you can understand and utilize a massive set of jobs, irrespective of whereyou pick.

These topics can be explored through the following excellent and absolutely free teaching material, and its owndisposition.Proceed to backend

When you've tried both variations of development, it is the right time to produce a decision. Ifyou didn't have the time to test them refer to the previous section of the article to fill in the gaps in your knowledge.At thistime you've written two kinds of code. One is for consumer interaction, another is for information. What do you prefer?This is adatabase which allows you to store and retrieve data.There are lots of backend languages, but since you're familiar withJavaScript, I would suggest learning how to use Node.js. It permits you to run JS-code on the host, not at the browser.